Friday, July 11, 2008

Brett Favre, Media Virus

One part sports icon, one part slow news day, one part lunacy. Thank you Brett Favre, you've managed to become the most talked about retired athlete of all time. That's swell.

I take that back. He's in the top three in this category.

First off, I'm not a Brett Favre fan and I'm no Green Bay fan. The guy has been a good QB in the NFL. In fact, a very good QB relatively speaking.

However, his "aw-shucks" routine seems to absolve him most of the time when he throws soul-crushing INT's, as he did last season in the playoffs, yet again. I think there are probably at least five other QB's in the league right now that are better then Favre is right now. Maybe that's not saying much.

This isn't Jordan coming back to basketball though. It's not even close.

And speaking of Jordan, Brett Favre is well on his way to tarnishing his legacy, just as Jordan did in that ridiculous Wizards jersey. God forbid we have to see an extra from 'Something About Mary' in a Redskins or Miami jersey.

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