Somehow I missed this amongst the Kosta Koufos draft coverage but apparently Koufos' high school coach doesn't think too highly of Thad Matta these days.
I came across the following on Yahoo! Sports. It's Coach Greynolds from Koufos' Canton area high school lambasting Matta...
"Listen, if you can't get along with a kid like Kosta, then you're clueless," Greynolds said. "If you're making $2 million season and can't figure out how to use a 7-foot-1 kid, you're clueless. If you can't get along with a kid who comes early, stays late and gets good grades, you're clueless, and you've got the problem."
Clearly Matta is the one with the problem. He's rapidly ascended from Butler University to Xavier to The Ohio State University while winning lots of games everywhere he's been.
Matta to my knowledge has never publicly been critical of Koufos' decision to go pro. I'm sure he was not happy with the timing when you consider that it could potentially cost the Buckeyes a scholarship. Frankly though, that's an NCAA problem and not a Kosta Koufos problem.
Say what you want to about Kosta, the guy is in the process of signing a contract that guarantees upwards of $2 million over three years. I'm not sure what kind of dough you were carrying around in college but that sounds like good money to me. Sure he could have potentially worked himself into the lottery with another solid year but he could have also stunk in his second year. He's 19, he's 7'1" and he can shoot three's. I'm guessing he'll find a spot in the NBA somewhere and probably for a long time.
Personally, I begrudge Kosta Koufos not an iota for leaving or doing so when he did. Ohio State makes millions off these "amateurs" so how can you fault them for doing the same when they get the chance?
Back to the original quote though, I really have no idea what this coach is whining about. Not wise in my opinion to alienate the collegiate coach of the scholastic titan in your home state. I'm sure the next stud that comes through Glen Oak will appreciate the additional hurdle he'll have to overcome.
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