For the most part, 95% of what ESPN has to offer is nauseating. There is one notable exception in my opinion though, 'Pardon the Interruption' (PTI) with Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon.
Well, sometimes with TK and Wilbon. I think Kornheiser has been on the show about four times in the last two months. Good work if you can get it I guess.
Anyway, the subject of the 2008 football Buckeyes came up this week. Kornheiser was actually present to discuss the topic. He suggested that Ohio State would go undefeated and win the national title because his personal bus driver is a huge Ohio State fan and told him so. Now that's some crack analysis right there!
Tony's counterpart this day was ESPN's J.A. Adande, formerly of the LA Times. Mr. Adande informed us all that Ohio State would lose to USC and lose their bowl game. I guess we don't need to worry about any of that now do we?
Oh, J.A. also forgot to mention that he's an adjunct professor at the Unversity of Southern California and was born and raised in Los Angeles. No bias worth mentioning I suppose.
That hardly seems damning in the wake of Kornheiser's strong argument though.
You can also catch Tony on his Monday Night Football farewell tour. He won't be back after this year I'm guessing.
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