That's me on the roof of the New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art last Friday. Gorgeous day.
Set in the heart of Central Park right along Fifth Avenue, it's a great place to take in Manhattan. And guess what? They serve booze up there on Fridays!
Here's my favorite part of this trip. Unbeknownst to most, you can pay whatever you want to get into the Met. However, they generally guilt you into paying about $20 a head.
My better half and I approached a ticket counter knowing full well that all we wanted to do was get to the roof for a drink. The stuck-up, young lady behind the desk told us that we would still need to pay admission to get to the elevator. She then informed us that her station was credit card only.
"That's fine, I'll charge it."
"How much?"
"Five dollars."
"Five dollars each?"
"No, five dollars total."
There is a reason I'm marrying this woman.
And please, by no means are we cheap. We've been to the Met before, we've paid full price, we've taken in priceless works of art for hours. It's one of the greatest museums in the world, even if you're not into art per se.
HOWEVER, this was one time when we weren't going to get bullied into paying $40 when we could pay $5 to get on the roof by some 19-year-old princess that tells all her friends she's some sort of art critic.
Art critic? The only thing you critique is the manner in which tourists approach you to find out where the nearest shitter is. You're serving roughly the same person as the dude stamping hands at the local municipal pool.
Anyway, as expected, the roof at the Met was quite the snobotorium. Certainly not overbearing though. There was just enough space and just enough douchebags lurking for us to have a grand time. Making fun of shitheads that don't know they're shitheads is the best kind of entertainment.
And here's the final note. The large works of art you see in the background are by a contemporary American artist named Jeff Koons. He's originally from York, PA and is one of the more successful modern artists in the U.S., from a monetary perspective.
Who cares about that shit though, right?
Here's the good stuff. In 1991 he married a Hungarian-born naturalized-Italian porn star with the stage name Cicciolina.
From 1987-1992 "Cicciolina" took time off from film work to become a member of the Italian parliament.
Did you get that? In Italy, they elect foreign-born porn stars to parliament!!
I thought electing Schwarzenegger was ridiculous!
Sadly Koons and...whoever, are no longer married. And their son Ludwig is now forced to go through life with the name, Ludwig Koons. Poor kid.
I suppose his father's millions (Koons has sold his art for a fortune over the years) will have to suffice when it comes to avoiding beatings in high school.
Oh, and for the record, Koons' art sucks.
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