As if we didn't have enough problems to keep our government busy.
We are a nation at war on two fronts. Our economy is in the toilet. Our educational system is not at an acceptable level of competency. People are being laid off by the tens of thousands. Homes are being reclaimed by banks in record numbers. Our border to the south is a sieve.
Clearly this is the time for congress to tackle the issue of the day, the Bowl Championship Series.
Well, that's exactly what a couple of idiots have done, yet again. From
WASHINGTON -- A handful of lawmakers used a resolution commending the University of Florida's national football championship Thursday to protest college football's much-maligned BCS system.
A dozen House members voted "no" or "present" on the resolution, the latest signal from the nation's capital that many people aren't happy about the way the NCAA chooses its football champion. Many of the dissenters were from Utah and Texas, both of which have schools that made a case to play for this year's national championship but were passed over.
"A fine school with a great team deserves better than a national championship that was decided inside somebody's computer," said Rep. Joe Barton, a Texas Republican who has introduced legislation to force a playoff system. "The Gators certainly could have won it on the field, but they didn't get the chance any more than Utah, Texas and USC."
Blah, blah, blah. Fix something you assholes instead of mouthing off about ancillary bullshit.
When are these guys going to learn that we don't need the government trying to sort out pro or college sports? You have bigger fish to fry then steroids, or the NFL Network, or how college football crowns its champ.
Here's the other thing that's ridiculous. ALL of these schools that are supposedly "getting screwed" have agreed to this plan!! And Texas got hosed not by the BCS, but by ITS OWN CONFERENCE!!
By the way, was Texas bitching a few years ago when they won the BCS title? No, didn't hear any complaining then about how outrageous this system is did we? Boy, that's convenient isn't it?
I suppose it will come as a shock to know one that we have some major league hypocrites running this country. On a related note, Alaska and Hawai'i are now states in the union.
Feel free to contact Congressman Joe Barton here and let him know he can go ahead and stop wasting the tax payers time with this garbage. He can be reached via the following:
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