Thursday, February 18, 2010

This douchebag...

Speaking of The Lantern, here's another story. To me, this is the guy that gives Ohio State fans a bad name worldwide. I mean look at this dude.

Who would have guessed that when he's not dressed up as an a-hole he's a computer supply salesman?

I would have.

What I wouldn't have guessed however is that John Chubb (that's his name) once pulled two people from a burning car that had crashed. He apparently spends a lot of time with charitable organizations and also reads to underprivileged children. So he only LOOKS like a jerk-off.

Oh, and he ruined a 1970 Chevy Impala too:

Chubb goes to every home and away game, dressed up in full outfit to represent the Buckeyes. He even transformed a 1970 Chevy Impala into the “Buck-I-Guy Mobile.”

The car took him 10 years to totally restore and customize. It is a convertible with a custom Buckeye interior, custom tires, axles and footballs with the letter “B” on the wheels. He drives it to the home games and local events.

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