Here's my first question. More annoying QB, Tim Tebow or Brett Favre? I don't know the answer, I just know those two clowns seem to get more attention from ESPN and the like than anyone else on the planet.
I don't know why I get annoyed by the crawl on ESPN but I do. For those of you not familiar with the vernacular, "the crawl" is the steady stream of drivel that rolls across the bottom of the screen on any of the 37 ESPN channels. For the most part, or at least in the "old days" (whenever that was) all that you saw at the bottom of the screen were scores and stats. Apparently that wasn't good enough and in fairness, perhaps we have CNN or Bloomberg to blame for this?
I don't watch Sportscenter anymore. Stuart Scott pretty much sunk that show all on his own. I don't know why you need to watch Sportscenter anymore though given the breadth of information that is pushed across the crawl. Any remotely interesting sports news is immediately fed to the viewer via the crawl. Again, I'm not sure why I find this annoying. Probably because 90% of the "news" isn't news at all, at least in my opinion.
Did I really need to read 9,000 times on the crawl that Brett Favre had retired? No, I didn't. He hadn't retired after all you see.
Anyone, more mindless fodder rolled across the crawl yesterday. This time the pressing matter was Lord Tebow's throwing motion. "Former Florida quarterback Tim Tebow is working to change the way he holds the football and on three and five step drafts in an effort to improve his draft position."
So what you're saying ESPN is that I needed to be told IMMEDIATELY that Tim Tebow is attempting to improve his horrendous throwing motion and would like to be drafted as high as possible in the upcoming draft. Got it. Good thing you let me know or else the entire space-time continuum might have been ripped apart.
And by the way, a guy attempting to completely overhaul his throwing motion weeks before his pro day would raise great big giant red flags if I was an NFL team, which I'm not.
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