Posting will be fairly limited for the next week or so while the family (pictured) moves corporate headquarters from Jersey City to the heart of Buckeye Nation, Columbus. Before Level 6 goes dark though I'll offer up a few thoughts.
Awesome win for the Buckeyes yesterday in East Lansing. Haven't seen one like that in quite awhile. We certainly haven't seen it this season and I'm not sure we saw it all of last season either. I'll put it this way, we weren't up by four touchdowns at halftime against any ranked teams last year.
Unfortunately that game was called by some of the biggest douchebags in all of sports yesterday. Brad Nessler and Bob Griese used to be a couple of my favorites. However, they've been reduced to rodeo clown status by that colossal shithead Paul McGuire. What an utter fuckball that guy is. I guess there is a reason they frequently make him call games from the parking lot or the next town over. Tony Kornheiser looks like Howard Cossel compared to Paul-effing-McGuire.
Even those guys are tolerable when the Buckeyes have it going on all cylinders though. Almost everything went their way yesterday, save for the following:
- With Ben Person getting benched I guess Jimmy Cordle took it upon himself to handle the 'early false start' duties. Damn are those annoying.
- The offensive play-calling was outstanding yesterday for the most part. Funny how that seems to be the case when the Buckeyes are dominating both lines of scrimmage. However, the worst call I saw was once again handing it to Chris Wells on 3rd and 1. That is simply not going to work. Everyone and their mother knows that Beanie's getting the rock and the offensive line can't get a push when there are 11 guys inside the box. Can we please get a little more creative on 3rd or 4th and 1?
- Ray effing Small. I'm sorry, for a guy that has returned as many kicks as he has there is no excuse for fumbling like he did. That could have been a HUGE momentum shift in the game and we got bailed out by Austin Spitler somehow getting to the ball before the two MSU guys even though they were much closer when it hit the turf. I can't believe that some thought Ray Small was the next Ted Ginn Jr. He's at least two steps slower then Teddy.
- And speaking of special teams, what gives with the Buckeyes' kickoff coverage? We can't seem to get the ball into the endzone and we appear to be giving up tons of yardage on those returns. In the second half Ohio State went to the pooch kickoff in an apparent attempt to limit the returns. For all of Ohio State's success these past few years kickoffs either way have not been a strength.
If anyone can find special teams stats by team I'd love to seem them for the current season. I can't find it.
- Terrelle Pryor had a pretty damn good game but at some point here he's going to have to figure out how to get rid of the ball instead of taking the sack. He lines up in the shotgun, then drops back, then gets sacked. He's losing about seven yards a pop. That's never good.
- We all know that MSU Head Coach Dantonio and Tressel are friends. I'm not sure Tress' needed to go as far as to apologize for the last touchdown Ohio State scored? That's essentially what he did when he stated in the postgame presser, "I wish it wouldn't have happened." Please coach, it's not like the Buckeyes dropped 80 on the Spartans. For the record it was a defensive touchdown, OSU wasn't throwing deep bombs or anything.
- Myself and others are convinced that the deep ball that Pryor threw after the Buckeyes were up by several touchdowns was Tressel's way of telling the opposition, 'we're still going to go deep'. Except of course, there wasn't an OSU receiver within 20 yards of the pass. What are the chances that Tressel told Pryor "Just throw it deep, I know there won't be any receiver running a deep route on this play but throw it deep anyway." Only Jim Tressel could figure out how go play-action fake with a fake deep ball.
- And finally, I used to think Tress' favorite play was the punt. I was wrong. It's third and long with the lead. No down and distance screams 'setup the kick' like third and long when Tressel has a bit of cushion.
"Third and long again? YES. Let's run a draw for Beanie. Kicking team get ready."
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