"Check out this sweet brown paper bag!"
"I'd also like to announce that I don't understand the nuances of the BCS."
Thanks Troy. 'Preciate it.
I'm watching the Cowboys-Steelers game. A real barn-burner. I know the weather sucks but 3-3 at halftime? Sweet.
To advertise the BCS Bowl game announcements later tonight, they have Joe Buck read a quick promo. After praising Florida, Alabama and Oklahoma, Troy then states, "I'm not sure about this BCS stuff. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say it should be decided on the field." He then states that Texas is getting screwed in so many words.
First off, it should be pointed out that Troy Aikman almost certainly spends much of his time in Dallas if he doesn't live there full-time. That means he is likely hearing from the very pro-Longhorns fans much of the time. That's just a sidenote that speaks to potential bias, not that we aren't all biased in some way or another.
More importantly here, STOP blaming the BCS for the Big XII South debacle. The blame for that situation falls at the feet of the Big XII, not the BCS.
The BCS was not created to determine divisional tie-breakers. It was created to try and put the #1 and #2 teams in a title game at the end of the season. Well, that and make a whole bunch of money for the affiliated bowl games.
I still think there are a whole lot more sports fans out there that understand what the BCS is and that a playoff is a virtual impossibility. It is amazing to me how many people spend so much time pining for a playoff every year. What has all that bitching gotten them? Absolutely nothing. They might as well complain about the color of the sky.
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