Here's the deal, the jackass Boise State player that decided to taunt 10 seconds after the game was over probably deserved to get cracked. You are flat-out asking for it.
That's where the excuses end.
First off, why isn't anyone pointing out that this tough guy, LeGarrette Blount, throws a punch and then runs backwards 25 feet while talking trash? That's like flipping someone off while riding a unicycle.
By the way, excellent punch. Good form. Good connection. Well placed.
Secondly, Mr. Blount was WEARING HIS HELMET while being a badass.
And then punching your own teammates? What's that garbage?
And then trying to pull a Ron Artest?
And then you're still acting like a maniac while players, coaches AND police officers are restraining you? Game over pal.
Nice stats, five carries, minus eight yards. Strong. Not only is that all he got for the game. That's all he got for THE SEASON.